Sunday, January 20, 2013


I asked Ozzy what they did in school the last week and he answered, “homework!”. It was exam week and I assumed he had to do paper and pencil tests.  “Was it hard or easy?” Ozzy responded with “easy”. I reserve my judgment until the PTCs.

Enrolling him in Junior nursery was very exciting for me but when the school year rolled on, I realized the amount of homework I had to do! Well, we, but I had to help him do it. I hated it. It ruined my after work personal life (that’s tutti frutti at the end of the day). I’ve had to rush home every day because of that anticipated homework.

When I was a student, I loved homework (yes, believe it or not) because it enriched me and it made me feel competent to take on a challenge all by myself.  Ozzy likes it too. Ozzy goes “what’s that next?” after answering exercises. When it comes to penmanship though, he would wiggle and roll and pretend to be tired. I know a mom whose kid just learned writing all by herself. That isn’t my story. Penmanship is laborious for Ozzy.

To motivate him, we give each line a happy face. Each happy face represented a person smiling at home. He would say, “this one ama, this mommy, this one porthos, this one…” At the very end of his exercise, I draw all the happy faces he had been “collecting”. “So many happy faces!” he once exclaimed.

Motivation. It’s the hardest thing to find during tough times. Here is one great motivator at home: happy faces.

Ozzy’s 4th birthday

We asked Ozzy how he wanted to spend his birthday. Option no.1 was Adventure Day and Option no.2 was a party in school. Last year, we rode the LRT, took him to fully booked, and dined in a place where the waiters come out and sing “Happy Birthday” with candle and ice cream. This year he wanted a party in school.

So mommy, with all her might and budget produced a school party.

We had party no.2 the week end after. We did potluck with family. Ozzy loved to be surrounded with people and so he barely ate dinner. 

He practically flew into his cake just to blow it. 

He didn’t want to stop playing with Ama’s birthday gift.

Stage Mom(ed)

I enjoyed so much time with Ozzy while on my maternity leave and one of my best memory of this time is being able to accompany and prepare him for his first school production. It was simply a time for enjoying motherhood.

Ozzy's pictures on the souvenir program (top and lower left). Ozzy and I working at home (lower left)
Ozzy played a monkey in Lion King. They danced to the song "Can't Wait to be King". We put together his costume with a monkey hat, brown clothes and a towel. We had so much fun.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas 2012

This Christmas was very simple for us, Ozzy. It’s been a little damp because of the rains (And that mom has become so sentimental about so many events—Lolo Nanding and Porthos).  

It’s such a joy watching you grow up. Technically, this is just your third Christmas. This year you showed everybody that you can make an impression of a Transformer and have been transforming all over town. You make the sounds quite perfectly too. Eee Eee Aaah Aaah.

We went to Andres Malong (the red) gate for Christmas Eve and you were showered with toys. You had the noisiest toys this year and it kept you up until 3am to your father’s dismay.  The best part is, you are so loved by so many people and that makes my heart so full.

Christmas Day

Lunch was spent in Philam where you were met with so many young cousins that you could play with. You were semi-free to run amok in the house. Your cousins Rian and Ralph seem to have your back.  You loved it that I wasn’t following you around. And, although I was convinced that you were going to scrape your knee anytime, I was proud that you loved your freedom. Dinner was spent in Andres Malong. You played with Tito Jose, Tito Paeng, and Tito Mogsi. You spent the whole day playing and barely ate that day.

You loved the Christmas Lights. You kept telling me that it's Christmas time. You like seeing Santa Kwos (Claus). Your yaya kept saying 'klaws' and you kept correcting her. Your were so cute. Last year you barely spoke. We had so many milestones this year, anak.

We love you very much Ozzy. I thank God for you everyday.