Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ozzy and Swearing

Ozzy and I have been arguing lately about swearing. He has been watching Batman, Superman, and other Superhero cartoons. I don't believe in protecting him from the world completely and so I let him and correct him when things are not good. And  so he has been exploring swearing words for the past three days-- constantly. We would argue about it as often too. He has tried "shit!", "oh, shit!", "damn", and what makes me flame up most of all "jesus!".

Today, we spent the afternoon fighting because he kept "practicing" during play. I was folding the laundry right beside him arguing that what he was saying was bad. He kept playing. I kept folding the clothes.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at me with his big eyes as if a light bulb had turned on. Finally, a question that gave my parenting style more dignity than its had for the past three days: "Mommy, what do you say? What do you say when something goes wrong? What do you say when something goes wrong?" Dear heavens, thank you for that inspiration!

We explored our choices. And we agreed that "Oh man!" and "Oh no!" was the best way to go. He says he prefers "Oh man!" over "Oh no!" and so I said ok. Let's just limit it to that.

Parenting takes time and is embarrassing sometimes... but it has to be done.


  1. niiiiiiiiiiiice! i have the same problem with my altar boys. pleased that ozzy asked the question.

    1. I was lucky Ozzy asked the question. It really takes two to make a conversation e. You must create a culture with your altar boys. Perhaps you can take it up in a workshop or a talk.
